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Awesomecast 5: Review Views

By Orie | November 6, 2007 at 8:24 am

The new Awesomecast is a little late in coming, but has finally arrived. This time we’re going to talk in depth about how the staff here at RPG Land writes reviews, and some of our thoughts on game reviewing in general. This is the episode that we were going to do first, but was lost to the computer ethers due to youthful inexperience. It was probably a good thing, because in the subsequent ‘casts we’ve gained some experience, and we were able to snag Cortney Stone from RandomNPC to be a special guest. Enjoy the show!

The Panelists in this broadcast:

Orie House got turned into a robot

Heath Hindman lost his virginity to QJets

Janelle Hindman just found out about it

Special Guest: Cortney Stone makes glasses look good!

If you want to check out some of the stuff cut out of our recording, you can do so by listening to our Sidequest show.

Those of you with iTunes can subscribe to our iTunes link here.

Please give us your feedback at pr@rpgland.com or on our forums.

Enjoy the show!

Topics: Awesomecast