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Ninth Annual “What We’re Thankful For”

By Heath | November 22, 2007 at 5:19 pm

Every Thanksgiving, some or all of us at RPG Land, appropriately enough, go on record and say what things we’re thankful for. It’s one of those things we do that let you know there are people behind these HTML files.

RPG Land, as a website in general, is thankful for…

  • Everyone who has ever read the site. That includes everyone who has ever bitched about a review, read some news here, scratched their chin while reading an editorial, glanced at our index and left because “this place sucks,” used our wallpapers section to find a new RPG or anime-themed desktop picture, entered one of our contests, submitted any sort of content, or written an email to us of any kind — even hate mail. Especially hate mail, actually.
  • Rangenet, for letting us ride their servers for like our first five or six years of existence.
  • The various people in the PR biz that try to keep us in-the-know. Y’all know who you are.
  • Companies that make games that don’t suck. This list still does not include Idea Factory. Maybe next year.
  • Cory Buck, Chi Phan, Ryan Mance, and Kirk “Q Jets” Armstrong
  • Derek Cavin, Cortney Stone, and the friendly crew of RandomNPC.com
  • The classics
  • Each other
  • Root beer
  • The Ghetto
  • Our forum members.? Yes, surprisingly, that includes LiQuid!.
  • Orie House adds that he is thankful for Benadryl, Super Mario Galaxy, and the fact that his lizard is still alive.

    Quinton Alexander notes Gene Roddenberry is worth saluting, as is any combination of chocolate and peanut butter, his still-working launch PS2, intelligent people on the internet, and his awesome little sister.

    Joey Janowski lists, “My faith, my family, my friends, my job here at RPG Land and all the friends I’ve made because of it, and video games.”

    Phil Clayton mentions “People that put up with me,” as well as, “ Those Starbucks Frappuccino drinks I get at the gas station every once in a while.”

    Janelle Hindman said to me while I typed this, “I know I’m thankful for you but I dunno if I should put that on there.” I think she just realized I typed that as she said it. She mentions that she’s thankful for all the safe travel that she and her friends and family have undertaken, especially in the last year, since there are so many things that can go wrong when traveling, in whatever form. She finally adds, “A life that’s simple enough that I can still play and enjoy video games once in a while.”

    I (Heath Hindman) owe appreciative mention to my wife, my family, Tim Wilson, the island of Shikoku, Andrew Long, Chinami Yamamoto, and Rick “The Rick” Johnson. Gratitude is also extended to every member of the RPG Land team, those being in no order: Janelle Hindman, Orie House, Michael Wayland, Phil Clayton, Jacob Fernandez, Joseph Wartick, Joey Janowski, Quinton Alexander, and Andrew Duff.

    Have an excellent Thanksgiving, those of you in the United States, and to those of you not on holiday today and/or in other places of the world, hey, you have a good day anyway.

    -RPG Land

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