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Content Break: Cleaning Up Tsunami Damage

By Heath | September 16, 2011 at 6:43 pm

Hey all. Thanks for reading RPGLand.com. Seriously, we can’t thank you enough for validating our work. I was tempted to put a joke there, but this is serious time — a marked rarity on this website, I know. We wanted to let you know that there will be a bit of a delay in our content roll, as Janelle and I are moments from boarding a bus that will take us up to Iwate prefecture. We’re going North to do volunteer service to clean up tsunami damage. The day that happened, I knew at some point we had to go up there and help. The Japanese people have been flocking to help the area and have banded together with great strength. Our long-awaited opportunity has come, so Janelle and I are jumping on it. We’re sorry about the slowdown in content, but really, we’re not actually “sorry” because that would imply some sort of regret. Media coverage of the tsunami has surely decreased since it’s not longer breaking news, but trust me, there’s still a ton of work to be done. People are still without homes up there and entire towns are still awaiting the day a rebuild can begin. Donate something to the Red Cross, please. Thank you.

Topics: RPG Land Staff